Friday, March 16, 2012

Director's Update

Spring 2012 has arrived a little early to Northeast Louisiana and so has the tent camping season. I spent a few days tent camping at Jimmie Davis State Park in early March, thoroughly enjoying myself.

Hopefully, I will have my little companion, Anthony Gulett, with me on the next camping trip. We are planning a trip during the last week of March 2012 to Chemin-A-Haut State Park. The park is located just north of Bastrop, Louisiana. The park is smaller than Jimmie Davis State Park but is a wonderful place for a young boy to explore and test himself in the wilds of Northeast Louisiana. 

We especially like the various hiking trails at Chemin-A-Haut. Usually, Anthony and I spend time each day hiking and taking video and photos. Average distance walked on the trails is approximately one mile. The trails highlight the various plants and animals that are found in Northeast Louisiana. 

We will be using our newest social media tool, the New Livestream. Livestream’s web application is event orientated allowing us a wide spectrum of tools including live video, video on demand, photos and text in one application. For those following an event, there are options to received and email and text messages when the event goes live. You may follow our activities at Sign up and follow our activities during the 2012 Spring and Summer Camping Season.

Bro. Chuck Gunter

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Director Update

We have been retooling our links page.  The camping season is fast approaching and we wanted to dedicate our links page to our camping and travel adventures in 2012.  Our idle stream will feature a weekly video clip obtained  from the Worship Network.  These clips feature the great outdoors and provide inspirational support to those that come to our site.

Livestream will be used to support the links page.  Yes they have pre-roll ads but they are free and provide features that we need while working in a mobile/portable mode.

We plan to travel during the spring and summer to several Louisiana State parks doing both live and taped video clips from each park.  Scripting is still being developed.  All trips will be announced on the links page.  

We will tent camp but also may use a small camping trailer for transporting our video and computer equipment.  I will be providing more information on the camping trailer development in our next Director's Update.