Sunday, June 26, 2011

Director's Update

Jericho Christian Television has returned to the Internet Broadcasting of Legacy Television. Viewers can find Legacy TV on our Internet Broadcast Ch-2. Some of our faithful viewers might have noticed that we had replaced Legacy Television with the Voice Network. The Voice Network is also located in West Monroe, Louisiana. The broadcast facilities of the Voice Network were destroyed by flooding during a recent storm. Sonrise Communications (KWMS TV-17), First West and Jericho Christian Television made our facilities available to help a local network and ministry partner. until such time as their facilities could be rebuilt. 

The spring and beginning of summer of 2011 have been extremely difficult in Northeast Louisiana for camping. Well in advance of summer, temperatures soared into triple digits. Lack of rain has brought drought to Northeast Louisiana. The threat of wildfires such as those occurring in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas has forced a burn band across most of Louisiana. In Ouachita Parish all outdoor burning is prohibited. The extremes in temperature and drought has made for a difficult year for sharing my passion for the great outdoors. I have been able to make only two camping trips to Louisiana State Parks thus far this spring and summer. 

My most recent trip was to Chemin A Haut State Park. I spent four days in the park with my little camping buddy, Anthony. Afternoon temperatures were over 100 degrees each afternoon. The swimming pool at the park was closed. The fishing lake had been drained a couple of years ago and is only partially refilled. Nevertheless, we had a wonderful time together. Anthony is eight and everything was a new experience for him. We cooked eggs and sausages for breakfast. Anthony tried his skilled at cooking pancakes. We streamed video and posted pictures to Facebook. 

Most important, we read in our Bibles and talked about the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. We prayed together for our family and friends. I always feel closer to the Lord when I am camping. The troubles and distractions of this world seem to fade letting the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ to shine.
