Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Director Update

What is new at Jericho Christian Television? The most significant thing that has happened is that the Lord has made a way for us to stream our programming without the need for pre-roll and mid-stream commercials. Praise the Lord for His provision. We pray daily that our Lord Jesus Christ will continue to provide the resources needed by Jericho Christian Television and that each of our staff will have the wisdom to use those resources to enlarge the Kingdom.

We at Jericho Christian Television have always opposed the idea of having pre-roll and mid-stream commercials that are inserted by persons and/or companies that may not have our same vision. Case in point is the CDN provider, Livestream. In order to use their free streaming services, Jericho Christian Television had to agree to having pre-roll commercials. Some of these commercials had no place on Christian Internet Broadcasting. In the way of example, viewers coming to our site were being greeted with commercials for Jack Daniels Whiskey before they could watch the Live Sunday Morning Services of First Baptist Church of West Monroe, Louisiana.

Our goal at Jericho Christian Television has always been and always will be to promote healthy Christian and Family values instead of being driven by secular values. Our staff always will take the High Road and follow our Lord Jesus Christ when faced with these decisions.